Medicinal Herbs for Cancer Treatment

Medicinal Herbs for Cancer Treatment

The uses of medicinal herbs as remedies for cancer have become very popular in recent days.

Herbal remedies have both been used to treat the cancer itself and to ease the side effects caused by conventional therapies.

As the research into the benefits of herbal medicine continues, it is becoming clear that some medicinal plants can be utilized as a treatment of cancers.

Maybe medicinal herbs do not represent a cure for cancer, at least for now, but they could be a great ally in the unending and ongoing fight with one of the deadliest disease known to human kind.

One of the more notable doctors in this area of cancer research is Hulda Clark, Ph.D., N.D. who has conducted studies and published a number of books.

One of the herbal remedies that she recommends to resolve cancer or cancer-related issues is the removal of small parasites in the body. She explains in her book, “The Cure for All Cancers”, that there is a direct correlation between cancer and these parasites – which she identifies as flukes.

According to Clark’s research, there are a group of herbs that are potentially cancer-fighting because she believes they eliminate the parasites that are attacking the organs and bringing about cancer.

These Herbs for Cancer Are as Follows:

Black Walnut (Juglans nigra)

The black walnut comes from a hardwood tree that grows mostly in North American forests and some parts of Europe. The tincture is made from the hull of the trees’ fruit. The active ingredient in the black walnut and that is thought to be cancer-fighting, is called juglone.

There are also herbalists that find it useful in the herbal treatments of acne, eczema, and other skin irritations such as ringworm.

The black walnut has also been used for the treatment of sore throats, tonsillitis, thyroid disease, and possibly even digestive irritations. Now it is being used as a part of many herbal cancer treatments.

Wormwood (Artemisia absinthium)

It grows naturally in Europe, northern Africa, and western Asia; it is now also grown in North America. Artemisia absinthium has for thousands of years been a common herb for many Chinese-based remedies.

In addition to its use as an herbal treatment of cancer and parasites related to cancer, it is regarded by many herbalists to be useful in the treatment of a variety of digestive maladies including stomach disorders, loss of appetite, intestinal worms and common gallbladder concerns.

It has also been used by some herbalists in the treatment of irregular menstruation, fever and it is used as an external application for the treatment of wounds that are not healing well, skin and ulcer blotches and insect bites.

Cloves (Eugenia caryophyllata)

The clove is a dried flower bud of a tree in the family Myrtaceae. It is an evergreen tree. They are native to Indonesia but also grown in Pakistan, India and Sri Lanka.

For centuries, Chinese herbalists have used cloves in the treatment of many types of common ailments ranging from hiccups to impotence. Clove oil has become well-known amongst aromatherapy practitioners and often it is used by dentists to lessen the pain associated with the gums.

The German Government’s Commission E, which is the regulatory agency for herbs, has approved cloves as a topical anesthetic for use in dentistry. Its use as a partial herbal treatment for cancer is relatively new and studies are underway by a number of traditional health practitioners for its possibilities as a cancer treatment.

Please note that the research done by Hulda Clark does not detail only the use of these three herbs to eliminate cancer. One should study her works completely to gain a full understanding of her research and the steps she advises to resolve cancer.
Clark, H. (1993). The Cure for All Cancers : Including over 100 Case Histories of Persons Cured. New Century Press. ISBN 1-890035-009
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A Word of Warning – Important!

Please keep in mind that if you decide to take any medicinal herbs for the treatment of cancer or any side effects caused by cancer therapy it is vital to consult your doctor before you commence to take any herbal supplements. Some herbs can be toxic when taken along with chemotherapy drugs.

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